I review Batman XXX

A couple of caveats:

  1. I watched a porn-less version so don’t expect a blow-by-blow description of the naughty bits.
  2. I haven’t seen the 1960s version (which this movie rips off parodies) in years so I can’t point out all the similarities.

The porn-free version, which runs approximately 25 minutes (almost the same as an episode of the TV series), perfectly recreates the feel of the campy classic TV series. By that I mean it features cheesy acting, sets (especially Wayne Manor) that look filmed in someone’s parent’s house, and dialogue that makes a ‘reality show’ script look like Shakespeare. But really, if any of these aspects were missing it would not feel authentic.

Bruce and Dick enjoy a quiet moment playing 4D chess.

I should point out this scene has a line about Alfred groping Aunt Harriet which, although it was a nice name-drop of a TV series character, made me kinda nauseous.

Vivid did a lot of things right with this movie. Like I pointed out earlier the sets were cheesy but authentically so. The sets were filled with very good-looking props that are instantly recognizable to fans of the original TV series. The costumes were very close to the originals, the XXX logos notwithstanding of course, and really added to the feel of the production. You can really tell the production crew wanted to do right by the original material. There’s also a few scenes taken right out of the show (climbing the side of the building, the Batman dance, Joker holding court over his henchmen, the BATMOBILE) which make this movie feel like it could have been a ‘lost’ episode of the original show.

I think the biggest asset this movie has is the large cast of characters. Look, when you make a big-budget Batman movie you’re lucky if you get Batman and maybe one villain. In this production you get Batman, Robin, the Joker, the Riddler, and Catwoman! The large cast makes the movie feel more like one of the comics where you would not usually only get Batman, unless the script calls for it. In the comics if Batman is in trouble he’ll get a group of his pals to help, just like in this movie.

I wish they would have made Randy Spears shave his mustache, it looks weird under the clown makeup.

All in all this was a very well made movie, very much like an episode of the TV series with a porno attached. You can tell that they had a fun time doing it and I can only imagine what their next superhero porn will be like. I um, flipped quickly through the uncut version and I have to say that the sex scenes are just a bit creepy. I don’t really want to see the Joker or the Riddler doing the nasty. The next time I read a Batman comic I hope I don’t flash back to this movie.

If nothing else watch it for the Joker using a classic Star Trek phaser.

2 thoughts on “I review Batman XXX”

  1. I am jealous. I have been meaning to go take a look for this.
    The director actually made Randy Spears grow the mustache so they could put the make-up over it, to be authentic to Cesar Romero, the 1960’s Joker who refused to shave off his mustache and had it painted over with make-up.

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