Action Comics #297 Feb. 1963 :: The Forbidden Weapons of Krypton!

Supergirl’s arch-nemesis returns! Phantom Zone prisoners escape!

Why did Lena lie to Dick in the last issue and tell him that she is Supergirl? The answer is quite simple my friends. Lesla-Lar was using a mind-control ray to make her lie! Lesla escaped from the Kandorian prison and used a mind-control ray to make Lena say whatever she wanted her to say. She then uses her transporter ray to swap places with Lena. Don’t forget, Linda looks just like Lesla and Lesla looks just like Lena….which means Lena looks just like Linda. When confronted by Supergirl over her lie ‘Lena’ blames a slip of the tongue and then shows off her ‘newly-acquired’ powers to Supergirl. ‘Lena’ explains that she knows about her evil brother and that she took some super-power pills he had left behind before being carted off to prison.

After Supergirl leaves Lesla quickly dons a super-villain costume and constructs a Phantom Zone portal device. She frees three Kryptonian criminals to help her kill Superman and take over the world. The criminals retrieve some Kryptonian super-weapons which coincidentally crashed on Earth. One of these devices creates a time barrier around the ‘present’ so that Superman can’t return from the past and the Legion can’t travel backwards through time to help Supergirl.

Another one of the Kryptonian weapons is a disintegrator gun which Kru-El promptly uses to kill Lesla. Hey, never trust super-villains! They were sentenced to the Phantom Zone for a reason! Two things to point out before we go any further: 1) Never name your child Kru-El (cruel) unless you want to condemn him to a life of crime. 2) The family name ‘-El’ makes Kru-El a relative of Superman and Supergirl.

Supergirl tries to stop the Kryptonian Three but Kru-El infects her with a bio-weapon which turns any animals in close proximity to her into a plant. Supergirl quarantines herself and contacts the only person who she believes can help her: (Batman, Aquaman, the Martian Manhunter, the Flash, Wonder Woman and every other super-hero is strike…damn unions) Lex Luthor. Lex hears her telepathic plea and laughs like the mad man that he is but then Supergirl points out that his sister is trapped in the bottle city of Kandor. Lex begrudgingly agrees to help Supergirl take down the super-villains.

You know who she should have called for help? Swamp Thing.

5 Winks

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