Action Comics #272 Jan. 1961

Kara travels to another world to meet their versions of Superman and Supergirl!

Kara wants to prove to her older cousin that she’s ready to operate as Supergirl in public. Fortunately for us she comes up with a wacky off-the-wall way to do it. She decides to find a planet that closely resembles Earth so that she can test herself without jeopardizing her secret at home. But wait, what if she accidentally reveals her doppelgänger’s secret identity? Look, I’m sure Kara thought about that and decided that it’s worth the risk (to someone else). Arriving on planet Terra she finds that it resembles Earth with a few small changes. She soon sees this world’s Supergirl who is named Marvel Maid (a great name for a vacuum cleaner).

Supergirl follows Marvel Maid to her Fortress of Marvels in Terran orbit where she reveals herself and they quickly bond over their respective origin stories. Supergirl explains that she is trying to prove herself to her cousin and Marvel Maid agrees to Supergirl taking her place on her regular patrol. Supergirl quickly learns that she should have cracked open a Terran encyclopedia before going out on patrol since there’s more changes between Earth and Terra than she thought.

Like ice catching fire.

Thankfully the Terran Superman, Marvel Man, shows up and saves her butt from a burning iceberg. We then learn that Marvel Man is still in training, much like Supergirl on Earth. Supergirl and Marvel Man are put to the test when Marvel Maid’s orbiting Fortress starts falling to Earth. Marvel Man decides to catch the Fortress before it crashes while Supergirl distracts the nearby family. Unfortunately she distracts them by creating a huge diamond which happens to have the same effect on Marvel Man/Maid as Kryptonite has on Supergirl/Man. Marvel Man looses his super-powers and the Fortress of Marvels impacts on Terra.

For those keeping score that’s 0 for 2.

On my patented Supergirl Wink © scale this issue gets:

5 Winks

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