Superboy starring The Legion of Super-Heroes #216 April 1976

A satellite has fallen back to Earth. Unlike most satellites that are filled with electronics and doodads and such this one is packed with stolen jewels. Have you ever noticed that when stuff falls back to Earth it never falls in an uninhabited place where retrieval is simple? Well, this satellite lands on the island nation of Marzal which is inhabited by isolationist black people. Yup. Read on my friends.

You know why before this issue you haven’t noticed any black people in the Legion? Well, there really isn’t a good excuse. But some of them are living on Marzal and they don’t like visitors. I’m not sure if it’s all the residents of Marzal that believe the Legion are a bunch of racists or it’s just Tyroc. Since this IS a comic everything turns out for the best. The jewels were exposed to space radiation which makes them emit deadly radiation when exposed to sunlight. Tyroc is exposed to this radiation and the Legion saves him. He sees the error of his ways and leaves it open for him to join the Legion.

Tyroc was not liked very much by some at DC comics. I did like what the writers did with him later on during the Dominion storyline which had Tyroc becoming the president of New Earth. Hopefully the writers of the retro-boot Legion will do him right, maybe retcon his past a bit too.

Assertive Superboy is assertive:

In the future ‘pleases’ and ‘thank-yous’ are still free, Mr. Kal-El.

On my Legion Jerk © scale this issue gets a:

Bad execution.

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