Green Arrow Deep Thoughts / How the fudge does this jive with Final Crisis?

People’s lives are more important than trees? Wow, you should really put down all these insights on paper.

from Brightest Day: Green Arrow #2 (download preview)

Mister Miracle? How does that jive with the ending to Final Crisis? I hope someone at least mentions the fact that Final Crisis happened.

from Justice League of America #47 (download preview)


According to Wikipedia the Mister Miracle in JLA #47 is Shilo Norman, the same Mister Miracle that appeared in Grant Morrison’s metaseries Seven Soldiers and Final Crisis. The end of Final Crisis seems to indicate that the New Gods (including Mister Miracle) now reside on Earth-51. We’ll have to wait and see how this works with this issue of JLA.

An interesting take on physical anthropology in Action Comics #891

Excluding the ‘Lex Luthor’-looking character all the males in this group shot exhibit cranial features that make them look less evolved than the modern (and hot) women. It also looks like hair conditioner was developed before the wheel.

from Action Comics #891 (preview)