Action Comics #316 Sept. 1964 :: Supergirl’s Choice of Doom!

Another Super-Emo family story.

This issue begins with Kara having a video-chat with the Danvers. Kara loves her biological family but misses her life in Midvale with her adoptive parents. The Els decide to do something to make Kara feel better. The next day Kara’s parents show her a super-computer which they program to show them their future together (WTF?). The super-computer displays images of Zor-El, Allura and Kara carrying on with their super-feats. Then the computer shows an encounter Kara will have with the Zygor, a space-dwelling monster that attacked Kandor while it was still drifting through space. Zor-El stopped Zygor from destroying Kandor and it vowed revenge on Zor-El. The ‘future scope’ shows Zygor telepathically controlling Kara.

The Zygor forces Kara to set up a trap for Zor-El and Superman. Both will be subdued within green Kryptonite force screens and Kara will have to choose to kill one or the other. Before present Kara can see what decision future Kara makes present Kara destroys the view screen.

Zor-El remembers that the question asked of the super-computer was for it to show their future if the Els stayed in the ‘Outer World’. If Zor-El and Allura switch places with the Danvers the Zygor will not come to Earth because it will not detect Zor-El. Everyone thinks this is a great idea and the Els and Danvers switch places again. We then learn that the super-computer’s prediction was a lie concocted by Zor-El and Allura. They had to find a way to reunite Kara with the Danvers so they had the super-computer show a scenario that required the two sets of parents switching places. The Zygor did exist but it was defeated by Zor-El.

On my patented Supergirl Wink © scale this issue gets:

4 Winks

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